Since 2008, our team of experienced IGCSE tutors have been helping students excel in GCSE / IGCSE Biology. Our tutors are familiar with the syllabi and nuances of the different exam boards, and devise personalised support plans for every student.
Private one-on-one and semi-private classes are available, both in person at our centre or online.
Contact us to see how we can help. Want to meet some of our tutors? Click here.
Students studying the IGCSE Biology curriculum learn to understand the biological world that they live in. Typical topics include Cells and Molecular Biology, Evolution, Reproduction and Nutrition. The aim is for students to develop a good understanding of the knowledge and practical skills required for them to progress to AS and A-Levels or IB, and into further education. Therefore, for students considering studying sciences at university level, it may be particularly important to score well in IGCSE Biology.
Like the other two science subjects, there is a practical element in IGCSE Biology as well. For example, the Cambridge IGCSE Biology syllabus requires students to take a practical assessment, which takes up 20% of the final score. Practicals require a good understanding of the underlying scientific principles and analytical skills to interpret the data collected. If you find your child struggling, you may wish to engage an IGCSE Biology tutor to ensure your child is well equipped with the skills required to perform well.
Most exam boards require students to sit two written papers. Edexcel (a popular exam board that is often chosen by competitive schools in Hong Kong) requires students to sit two papers covering multiple choice, short-answer questions and extended open-response questions. Students are expected to be able to apply mathematical skills in scientific discovery as well to analyse experimental results and data. With the heavy amount of content, you may find it beneficial for your child to meet with an experienced IGCSE Biology tutor to make sure they can perform well in the exams.
Contact us to see how we can help you.