Tips on Choosing Between in Person and Online IB Tutors

As classes begin and we settle into the new school year, you are probably getting a sense of which classes are your most challenging. Especially if you are at a school that offers many rigorous courses within the International Baccalaureate curriculum (IB), you might be looking for extra ways to get the support you need in your classes. Investing your time with a tutor is one of the best ways to supplement your studies for many reasons. If you are reading this article it is likely you already know this, and have already elected to search for an IB tutor. While it used to be commonplace to meet with tutors in person after school, Zoom and other online learning platforms have made meeting with tutors online commonplace. So the next step in this process becomes a bit more tricky: do you want to meet with an in person or online IB tutor? This article walks you through the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

First, let’s explore the benefits of working with an online IB tutor.

Benefit #1 for online tutoring: International options

When selecting an online IB tutor, you have the world at your fingertips. Especially here at Aegis, we have professional tutors across the globe with a range of experience. This means that there is a higher chance of being matched with a tutor with the specialization you are seeking and who is available during the times you want to meet. 

Benefit #2 for online tutoring: Sign In to Sessions in Seconds

Meeting with an online IB tutor means that you have much more flexibility in your schedule. You don’t have to carve out time to travel or work around the schedule of family members who may need to drive you to classes. Simply open your computer and you and your tutor can start meeting right away! This makes working with an online IB tutor a great option for busy students and families. 

One possible drawback of online IB tutoring sessions is that you will be taking meetings from your computer. This means it could be easier for you to get distracted by your phone, email, or any other windows you have open on your laptop. However, as long as you are intentional about staying focused, and work with your tutor to help keep you on track, this shouldn’t be a major challenge. 

If you are worried about getting distracted during sessions with an online IB tutors, perhaps you will want to consider an in person tutor. 

Benefit #1 for in person tutoring: A Change of Pace 

Some people find they are less productive and more easily distracted when they try to work from home. Leaving the house to work with a private tutor in a new location might be a great way to change up your study habits and re-energize your work plan. 

Benefit #2 for in person tutoring: Work with Handouts

Oftentimes, working with an online IB tutor is great because the tutor can share their screen, and easily save all work completed during the session. This digitized approach is organized and efficient. However, some students prefer to work with print outs. If you are someone who likes to hand-write your notes and practice problems, working with an in person tutor will make it easier to share papers and review problems together synchronously. 

One of the benefits of meeting with an online IB tutor is the only drawback to meeting with an in person tutor: travel time. However, as we mentioned above, some students prefer to take the time to intentionally leave their homes in order to work with a tutor in person. It all comes down to preference, and how you know you work best. Whether meeting online or in person, you can read about our tutors before making a selection, to find an educator who will be the best fit for you and your goals. 

Regardless of the decision you make, putting in the extra time to study intentionally alongside a tutor—in person or online—will set you up for success in your IB classes. Aegis Advisors has a team of experienced and committed private tutors who can help you in a full range of subjects across all major curriculums. Contact us today to see how we can help.