Tap into our knowledge base

Since 2008 we have accumulated a wealth of experiences that have strengthened our understanding of families, students, and the education field. From Q&As with students and parents, to articles with tips on excelling through all aspects of the admissions process, we hope our knowledge base offers some insight into the current educational climate.


Beyond the Classroom: How IB English Prepares Students for the Real World

Education is about more than simply learning facts and perfecting test performance: it is about preparing for a long life and career in a rapidly changing and competitive world. The......

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Organizing for Success in IB English

Taking advantage of the IB curriculum allows students to deeply explore and develop the personal and educational skills which will lead them to success in the next stages of their......

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Unlocking IB Math Success: The Many Advantages of Private Tutoring

The IB math curriculum is renowned for its rigor as well as its challenging and comprehensive nature. As students approach difficult problems, tests, and exams, they may find that they......

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Decreasing Distractions to Find Success on the IB Maths Exam

Since the rise of social media and the increased use of technology in learning, students are finding it harder and harder to focus on their studies. If you are working......

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How to overcome test anxiety for IGCSE and IB students

Many IGCSE and IB students suffer from test anxiety. How can you manage your test anxiety so you can succeed in your classes and stay calm and relaxed? The number......

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